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Datastores for Deep Learning

You can use datastore objects to access and modify your deep learning data sets. If you are already familiar with datastores and just want to select the right datastore for your application, see Select Datastore. To learn how to speed up deep learning tasks that use datastores, see Optimize Datastores for Deep Learning Performance.

What Is a Datastore?

A datastore is an object for reading a single file or a collection of files or data. The properties of a datastore describe the data and specify how to read the data from the datastore.

The advantages of using datastores to work with deep learning data sets include:

  • Reduced memory usage — Creating a datastore does not load your data into memory. Because the software only loads the data into memory when it needs it, you can use larger data sets without running out of memory.

  • Convenient batching — Datastores make it easy to iterate over your data in mini-batches.

  • Reduced amount of code to write — Instead of writing code that loads, transforms, partitions, and combines your data sets, you can use built-in datastore convenience functions.

Directly loading your data into MATLAB® might be appropriate when working with a very small data set, but for larger data sets and more complex networks such as networks with multiple inputs or outputs, use a datastore.

Animation showing a datastore reading mini-batches of data from disk and passing the data to a network.

How to Create and Read from Datastores

Choose the data that you want to use for deep learning. This code downloads the Omniglot training data set, which contains images showing handwritten characters from 50 alphabets [1].

downloadFolder = tempdir;
url = "";
filename = fullfile(downloadFolder,"");
dataFolder = fullfile(downloadFolder,"images_background");

if ~exist(dataFolder,"dir")
    fprintf("Downloading Omniglot training data set (4.5 MB)... ")

Create an imageDatastore object that includes all files and subfolders within dataFolder. If you have another type of data, choose another built-in datastore. For more information, see Select Datastore.

imds = imageDatastore(dataFolder,IncludeSubfolders=true);

To verify that the datastore can access the images, read an image from the datastore using the read function, and display it.

I = read(imds);

An example handwritten character from the data set.

Subsequent calls to read continue reading from the endpoint of the previous call. To reset the datastore to the state where no data has been read from it, use the reset function.


Use Datastores for Training, Validation, and Inference

Datastores are valid inputs for training, validation, and inference.

Training and Validation

You can use a datastore as a source of training data when training using the trainnet function. To use a datastore for validation, specify the ValidationData name-value argument using the trainingOptions function.

For a datastore to be a valid input for training or validation, the read function of the datastore must return data as either a cell array or a table (with the exception of ImageDatastore objects, which can output numeric arrays, and custom mini-batch datastores, which must output tables).

For networks with a single input, the table or cell array returned by the datastore must have two columns. The first column of data represents inputs to the network (predictors) and the second column of data represents the training targets. Each row of data represents a separate observation. For ImageDatastore only, trainnet and trainingOptions support data returned as integer arrays and single-column cell arrays of integer arrays.

data = read(ds)
data =

  4×2 cell array

    {224×224×3 double}    {[2]}
    {224×224×3 double}    {[7]}
    {224×224×3 double}    {[9]}
    {224×224×3 double}    {[9]}

Most built-in datastores output data in the layout that the network expects. If you are training your network using the trainnet function and your data is in a different layout than what the network expects, then indicate that your data has a different layout by using the InputDataFormats and TargetDataFormats arguments of the trainingOptions function. Adjusting these options is usually easier than preprocessing the input and target data.

For example, if you have sequence data with rows and columns corresponding to channels and time steps, respectively, specify the input data format as "CTB" (channel, time, batch).

trainingOptions("adam", ...

For more information about the data layouts required by the trainnet function, see Layout of Predictors and Targets.


For inference using the minibatchpredict function, the datastore is valid as long as the read function of the datastore returns columns corresponding to the predictors. The minibatchpredict function uses the first numInputs columns and ignores the subsequent columns, where numInputs is the number of network input layers.

Transform Datastores

A transformed datastore applies a particular data transformation to an underlying datastore when reading data. To create a transformed datastore, use the transform function, and specify the underlying datastore and the transformation.

For simple transformations that you can express in one line of code, you can specify a handle to an anonymous function as the @fcn argument of transform. For more information, see Anonymous Functions. For example, you can use the transform function to create a transformed datastore that applies the imresize function to resize images when you read them from the datastore.

imageSize = [244 244];
tds = transform(imds,@(I) imresize(I,imageSize))

For more complex transformations involving several preprocessing operations, define the complete set of transformations in your own function. Then, specify a handle to your function as the @fcn argument of transform. For an example showing how to apply a custom preprocessing function using the transform function, see Prepare Datastore for Image-to-Image Regression.

The function handle provided to transform must accept input data in the same format as returned by the read function of the underlying datastore.

Combine Datastores

The combine function associates multiple datastores with each other. Calling the read function of a combined datastore reads one batch of data from all of the N underlying datastores, which must return the same number of observations. Reading from a combined datastore returns the horizontally concatenated results in an N-column cell array that is suitable for training and validation.

For example, if you are training an image-to-image regression network, then you can create the training data set by combining two image datastores. This sample code demonstrates combining two image datastores named imdsX and imdsY. The combined datastore imdsTrain returns data as a two-column cell array.

imdsTrain = combine(imdsX,imdsY);
images = read(imdsTrain)
images =

  1×2 cell array

    {105×105 logical}    {105×105 logical}

For an example showing how to combine datastores using the combine function, see Train Network Using Out-of-Memory Sequence Data.

Train Networks with Multiple Inputs or Outputs Using Datastores

To train a network with multiple input layers or multiple outputs, use the combine and transform functions to create a datastore that outputs a cell array with (numInputs + numOutputs) columns, where numInputs is the number of network inputs and numOutputs is the number of network outputs. The first numInputs columns specify the predictors for each input, and the last numOutputs columns specify the responses. The InputNames and OutputNames properties of the neural network determine the order of the inputs and outputs, respectively.

This table shows example outputs of calling the read function for a datastore, ds.

Neural Network ArchitectureDatastore OutputExample Cell Array OutputExample Table Output
Single input layer and single output

Table or cell array with two columns.

The first and second columns specify the predictors and targets, respectively.

Table elements must be scalars, row vectors, or 1-by-1 cell arrays containing a numeric array.

Custom mini-batch datastores must output tables.

Cell array for neural network with one input and one output:

data = read(ds)
data =

  4×2 cell array

    {224×224×3 double}    {[2]}
    {224×224×3 double}    {[7]}
    {224×224×3 double}    {[9]}
    {224×224×3 double}    {[9]}

Table for neural network with one input and one output:

data = read(ds)
data =

  4×2 table

        Predictors        Response
    __________________    ________

    {224×224×3 double}       2    
    {224×224×3 double}       7    
    {224×224×3 double}       9    
    {224×224×3 double}       9  

Multiple input layers or multiple outputs

Cell array with (numInputs + numOutputs) columns, where numInputs is the number of neural network inputs and numOutputs is the number of neural network outputs.

The first numInputs columns specify the predictors for each input and the last numOutputs columns specify the targets.

The order of inputs and outputs are given by the InputNames and OutputNames properties of the neural network respectively.

Cell array for neural network with two inputs and two outputs.

data = read(ds)
data =

  4×4 cell array

    {224×224×3 double}    {128×128×3 double}    {[2]}    {[-42]}
    {224×224×3 double}    {128×128×3 double}    {[2]}    {[-15]}
    {224×224×3 double}    {128×128×3 double}    {[9]}    {[-24]}
    {224×224×3 double}    {128×128×3 double}    {[9]}    {[-44]}

Not supported

For an example showing how to train a network with multiple inputs using a combined datastore, see Train Network on Image and Feature Data. For more information about networks with multiple inputs and outputs, see Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output Networks.

Select Datastore

For many applications, the easiest approach is to start with a built-in datastore. For more information about the available built-in datastores, see Select Datastore for File Format or Application. However, you can use only some types of built-in datastores as direct input for network training, validation, and inference.

ImageDatastoreDatastore for image data

Datastore for resizing and augmenting training images

Datastore is nondeterministic

PixelLabelDatastore (Computer Vision Toolbox)

Datastore for pixel label data

boxLabelDatastore (Computer Vision Toolbox)

Datastore for bounding box label data

RandomPatchExtractionDatastore (Image Processing Toolbox)

Datastore for extracting random patches from image-based data

Datastore is nondeterministic

blockedImageDatastore (Image Processing Toolbox)Datastore for blockwise reading and processing of image data, including large images that do not fit in memory
blockedPointCloudDatastore (Lidar Toolbox)Datastore for blockwise reading and processing of point cloud data, including large point clouds that do not fit in memory
DenoisingImageDatastore (Image Processing Toolbox)

Datastore to train an image denoising deep neural network

Datastore is nondeterministic

audioDatastore (Audio Toolbox)Datastore for audio data
signalDatastore (Signal Processing Toolbox)Datastore for signal data

You can use other built-in datastores as input for deep learning, but you must preprocess the data read from these datastores into a format required by a deep learning network. With the built-in datastores and the transform and combine functions, you can use datastores for the majority of your deep learning training and prediction tasks. For more information on the required format of read data, see Layout of Predictors and Targets, and for more information on how to preprocess data read from datastores, see Transform Datastores and Combine Datastores.

For some applications, there may not be a built-in datastore type that fits your data well. In these cases, you can create a custom datastore. For more information, see Develop Custom Datastore. All custom datastores are valid inputs to deep learning interfaces as long as the read function of the custom datastore returns data in the required form.

Quantization supports many of the built-in datastores. For more information, see Prepare Data for Quantizing Networks.


[1] Lake, Brenden M., Ruslan Salakhutdinov, and Joshua B. Tenenbaum. “Human-Level Concept Learning through Probabilistic Program Induction.” Science 350, no. 6266 (December 11, 2015): 1332–38.

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