generates the reachable workspace, as end-effector coordinates and their corresponding joint
configurations, for a specified robot in the specified environment. This syntax uses the
last rigid body in the robot model as the end effector.workspace
] = generateRobotWorkspace(robot
specifies the rigid body to use as the end effector.workspace
] = generateRobotWorkspace(robot
[___] = generateRobotWorkspace(___,
specifies options using one or more name-value arguments in addition to any combination of
arguments from previous syntaxes. For example, Name=Value
the maximum number of configurations to sample to 1500.
Plot Workspace of Robot Manipulator
Load the robot model for the Universal Robots UR5e manipulator, and create a collision environment consisting of a workbench, a barrier, floor, and mount for the robot.
robot = loadrobot("universalUR5e",DataFormat="row"); env = exampleHelperCreateWorkbench(0.4,1.5,0.05,[0.5 0.0 0.1]);
Show the collision environment and then plot the robot manipulator in a configuration over the workbench.
hold on
show(robot,[0 -pi/3 pi/3 2*pi pi/2 0]);
Generate the workspace for the robot in the collision environment.
rng default
[ws,configs] = generateRobotWorkspace(robot,env);
Plot the workspace as an alpha shape.
wsAlpha = alphaShape(ws(:,1),ws(:,2),ws(:,3)); a = plot(wsAlpha,FaceAlpha=0.45,EdgeColor="none"); title("Robot Workspace in Specified Environment") hold off
Identify Workspace Regions with High Manipulability
Load the robot model for the Universal Robots UR5e manipulator, and specify the last body in the robot model "tool0"
as the end effector.
robot = loadrobot("universalUR5e",DataFormat="row"); show(robot); ee = "tool0";
Generate the workspace for the robot in an obstacle-free environment, using "tool0"
as the end effector of the robot model, and ignoring self-collisions in the robot model during collision checking.
rng default [workspace,configs] = generateRobotWorkspace(robot,{},ee,IgnoreSelfCollision="on");
Calculate the manipulability, using Yoshikawa index, for each configuration in the workspace.
mIdx = manipulabilityIndex(robot,configs,ee);
Show the robot, and then plot the workspace analysis. Voxelize the workspace to make it easier to see the high-manipulability areas.
hold on showWorkspaceAnalysis(workspace,mIdx,Voxelize=true) axis auto title("Voxelized Manipulability-Encoded Workspace") hold off
Get the configurations with a manipulability index greater than 0.1
highMIdxConfigs = configs(mIdx>0.1,:)
highMIdxConfigs = 105×6
3.9154 0.4125 -0.9379 5.5167 4.7242 0.6303
1.0622 4.1458 -1.3166 -1.2245 4.5497 1.4419
-5.7293 2.3464 1.4688 -0.7895 -1.5100 6.0276
3.2651 -2.6273 -1.3984 -6.2064 -1.5744 -0.7925
-2.4593 -2.6281 -1.6178 5.4875 4.5263 -1.2915
-2.7437 -0.2400 1.1615 -3.6661 1.3592 -2.1843
1.2724 -2.2470 -1.3553 -0.8128 5.0738 5.3420
-1.1097 3.6946 -0.9852 -0.4699 -1.6610 2.2566
-2.1939 0.6961 -1.2854 -1.6824 -1.8969 1.6364
2.7559 0.2960 -1.5027 -0.0870 4.4716 2.8200
Input Arguments
— Robot model
Robot model, specified as a rigidBodyTree
— Collision environment
P-element cell array of collision objects
Collision environment, specified as a P-element cell array of collision objects. A collision object is any of these objects:
P is the total number of obstacles in the environment.
— Name of end effector
string scalar | character vector
Name of the end effector, specified as a string scalar or character vector. The
robot model specified by robot
must contain a body with this
By default, the last body of robot
is the end effector.
Data Types: char
| string
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Example: generateRobotWorkspace(robot,env,MaxNumSamples=1500,SkippedSelfCollisions="adjacent")
sets the maximum number of configurations to sample to 1500, and does not check body pairs
with adjacent indices for self-collisions.
— Maximum number of joint configurations to sample
(default) | positive integer
Maximum number of joint configurations to sample in the state space of the robot, specified as a positive integer.
The MaxNumSamples
argument does not directly correspond to
the actual count of generated configurations and workspace points in the
and workspace
output arguments.
The actual count is less than MaxNumSamples
, as it excludes
configurations that generateRobotWorkspace
determines would put the robot
in collision with itself or the environment.
Example: generateRobotWorkspace(robot,env,MaxNumSamples=1500)
— Body pairs skipped for checking self-collisions
(default) | "adjacent"
| p-by-2 cell array of character vectors
Body pairs skipped for checking self-collisions, specified as "parent"
, or a p-by-2 cell array of
character vectors:
— Skip collision checking between child and parent bodies. See Skip Self-Collision Checking Between Parent and Adjacent Bodies for more information."adjacent"
— Skip collision checking between bodies on adjacent indices. See Skip Self-Collision Checking Between Parent and Adjacent Bodies for more information.p-by-2 cell array of character vectors — Skip collision checking between specific body pairs. Each row specifies a pair of body names between which to skip self-collision checking. p is the number of body pairs to skip for self-collision checking. For more information, see Skip Self-Collision Checking Between Specific Body Pairs.
Data Types: char
| string
— Skip checking for robot self-collisions
(default) | "on"
Skip checking for robot self-collisions, specified as either
or "off"
. When this argument is enabled,
the function ignores collisions between the collision objects of the rigid body tree
robot model bodies and other collision objects of the same model or its base.
Data Types: char
| string
Output Arguments
— Workspace as end-effector coordinates
M-by-3 matrix
Workspace as end-effector coordinates, returned as an M-by-3
matrix. M is the total number of end-effector coordinates, and
calculated as the value of MaxNumSamples
minus the number of
sampled configurations that result in collisions.
— Joint configurations of corresponding end-effector coordinates
M-by-N matrix
Joint configurations of the corresponding end-effector coordinates, returned as an
M-by-N matrix. M is the total
number of joint configurations corresponding to the workspace end-effector coordinates,
and calculated as the value of MaxNumSamples
minus the number of
sampled configurations that result in collisions. N is the total
number of nonfixed joints in the robot model.
Extended Capabilities
C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.
Version History
Introduced in R2024b
See Also
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